Peak Performance Buoyancy Diver Course

Divers who’ve mastered the highest performance levels in buoyancy stand apart. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or fly, almost as if by thought. They interact gently with aquatic life and affect their surroundings minimally. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy course refines the basic skills you learned as a PADI Open Water Diver and elevates them to the next level.

Who should take this course?

What is neutral buoyancy? Scuba divers like to be neutrally buoyant so they neither sink nor float. It can be a tricky thing.  Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You’ve seen them underwater. They glide effortlessly, use less air and ascend, descend or hover almost as if by thought. They more easily observe aquatic life without disturbing their surroundings. You can achieve this, too. The PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty course improves the buoyancy skills you learned as a new diver and elevates them to the next level. PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers or higher, who are at least 10 years old, are eligible to take the Peak Performance Buoyancy course.

What will you learn?

During two scuba dives, you’ll learn how to:
  • Determine the exact weight you need, so you’re not too light or too heavy.
  • Trim your weight system and scuba gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water.
  • Streamline to save energy, use air more efficiently and move more smoothly through the water.
  • Hover effortlessly in any position – vertical or horizontal.

How can you start learning now?

Visit Aquatic Safaris SCUBA Center to enroll in the course and get your PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy video. By watching the video before class, you’ll be ready to get in the water and start practicing your buoyancy skills when you meet with your PADI Instructor.

What scuba gear will you use?

It’s best to use your own scuba equipment, including a weight system, so that you fine-tune your buoyancy in gear you’ll use on every dive. Your PADI Instructor and Aquatic Safaris SCUBA Center staff can help you find the equipment that is best for you and your diving adventures.

Upcoming Peak Performance Buoyancy Classes Full Instruction Schedule here

Class: Dates & Times: Instructor: Cost: Space
Peak Performance Buoyancy   Starts Sun May 11 2025 10:00 AM
Optional Lib Ship Charter
Class: TBA
Pool: TBA
Charter: May 11 10AM-3PM
TBA $125
+$80 w/Charter


Minimum age 10 years.  Private classes on a case-by-case basis and are subject to a surcharge.
Equipment provided by student Student is responsible for providing their own gear or can rent from Aquatic Safaris.
Equipment provided by Aquatic Safaris Pool session to develop skills.
Course cost $125 per student. Your payment secures your class spot and gets you the learning materials.
Required books & materials Peak Performance Buoyancy DVD video – included in course fee.
Additional expenses Charter for the 2 skills dives.

Your Next Adventure

Part of mastering buoyancy control is learning how to use your BCD and weight system effectively, plus  streamlining. This makes the PADI Equipment Specialist course a natural companion, because you learn more about these pieces of gear and how to tailor them to suit your specific diving styles.
All material contained in this domain is Copyright © 1988 - 2025 Aquatic Safaris SCUBA Center, Inc.
All SCUBA instruction services provided by Aquatic Instruction Services, LLC.
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